Check the Calendar at the bottom of the page.
"To Know Thyself is the only true knowledge"
Graceful Awakenings, along with The Sarasota Psychic Institute, is a spiritual oasis where a soul can discover itself and its truth.
We are dedicated to spiritual awakening, communication, healing, and freedom.
We offer spiritual counseling by way of Psychic Readings, healings, Reiki, classes and workshops, to facilitate your personal growth, healing and insight.
Psychic Readings
are given using clairvoyance; the readers ability to see on an energy or spiritual level. All readings will begin with looking at you and your path then move to the questions you present.
is creating change, facilitating growth and awareness. Healing can be on any level such as, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual. It can address illness, pain, taking a step, karma, death hospitalization or any reason you have for wanting healing. A healing will consist of removing blockages and restoring your energy and flow using clairvoyance, spiritual tools, energies and guides.
Hands on Healing or channeled healings involve life force or prana gathered and focused for you to Clear, Recharge, Heal and Grow in ways that you need, want or desire as you relax and become part of the universal flow.
Classes and Workshops
help provide a setting, information and tools that allow a soul, you, to communication with its body, learn about its spiritual anatomy, heal and develop community, discover its own truth and follow your own path.
Book An Appointment
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Contact us for an appointment in Florida, phone or other communication device.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
We will contact you as soon as Possible or at least a day or two after you request your appointment. click